Pingente maçaneta Unicórnio


 Um pingentinho de maçaneta, bem fofo e personalizado, no tema unicórnio!
Todo delicado e feito com carinho p a Thais!
Uma ótima opção de lembrancinha!

Contato : (011) 943255043

1 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Do this hack to drop 2 lbs of fat in 8 hours

More than 160 000 women and men are utilizing a simple and SECRET "water hack" to drop 2 lbs each night while they sleep.

It is simple and works all the time.

This is how you can do it yourself:

1) Get a clear glass and fill it up with water half the way

2) Then follow this proven hack

and become 2 lbs lighter the very next day!

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